Veterans Affairs disability benefits provide much-needed financial support for injured servicemen and women. Here’s how much they could stand to receive.
VA Benefits For Buyers Of Walk-In Bathtubs Are walk-in tubs covered by the VA? When calculating VA income, walk-in tubs can be considered unreimbursed medical expenses. The cost of the walk-in tub is deducted from one’s income, and the veteran will receive an increased pension benefit to cover the amount of the deduction. Is a […]
The world has always been a home for people with a wide range of needs. The popular saying “all people are created equal” means that everyone is capable of achieving anything with the right attitude and determination. Despite how renounced this quote might be, it still falls short in the sense of physical capability. Many […]
Ask Yourself (Not Your Salesman) these Questions Let’s face it, your salesman is an employee with one job – to sell you a Walk In Tub. This is why we recommend asking yourself the following questions; saving you from being persuaded in the wrong direction by expert salesman Is your Considered Walk In Tub Assembled, Tested, & Jetted in […]
Top Walk In Tub Brand of 2022: Ella’s Bubbles We Sell & Install Ella Walk-In Bathtubs in Chicago, IL Choosing a Walk In Bathtub Company is not an easy task! If you are thinking, “Should I purchase my Walk-In Tub locally”, “Should I purchase my Walk In Tub from a popular brand”, or “Should I […]
Since 2005, Ella has been manufacturing luxury walk-in bathtubs. 25 of their walk-in tubs are loaded with luxury features and cost less than $7,000. The Ella walk-in tubs, which include wheelchair transfer models, are also equipped with features you won’t find on other walk-in tubs, such as ozone sterilization, water temperature control, chroma-therapy, and foot […]